Student Services

Guidance Counsellors: 
Ed Kirkham (A-F)
Rachel Chan (G-M)

Diana Caringi (Department Head)(N-Z)

Stacey Lance (Activities)

Guidance Counsellors are available to answer questions related to timetables, career planning, personal and social issues, special educational needs, and to suggest possible referrals to appropriate school personnel and outside agencies.

Co-operative Education Teachers:  Mrs. Michelle Hay, Mr. James Bott

Student Success Teacher:  Mrs. Theresa Wood

Office AdministratorMrs. Marian Mancini

High School Resource Teachers:

Ms. Amanda Beaupre

Mrs. Sandra Dos Santos

Mrs. Tracey MacPherson

Grade 7/8 Resource Teachers:

Mrs. Jennifer Galli (grade 7)

Mrs. Claire Bourgeois-Prevost (grade 8)

Inclusion Coordinator:  Ms. Jennifer Scrim

Achievement Centre Teachers:

Mrs. Theresa Wood

Mrs. Laurie Kealey-Coyle

Mr. Sean Grimes

Community Service Hours

Students may begin accumulating Community Service Hours the summer before they enter grade 9.  It is the responsibility of the student and parent to research and sign on for community service involvement.  Ideas can be found posted on the bulletin board outside the Student Services Office in the Atrium of the school entitled "Community Service."  Requests for students to support community activities are also published in our daily announcements.

Community Service Log Sheet

Preparing for the New School Year

Entering Grade 7

2024 Grade 6 Parent Night Presentation

The 2025 Parent Information Night will be Thursday, February 27th beginning at 5:15PM.

Resource Teachers are available for inquiries.

Entering Grades 9-12

The 2025-2026 Course Selection Information Night will be Wednesday, February 19th beginning 

at 5:15PM.

Program Night Schedule

2025 - 2026 Course Offerings

Letter to Parents/Guardians + Instructions on Selecting Courses in myBlueprint


Grade 8 into 9            Grade 10 into 11

Grade 9 into 10          Grade 11 into 12

Guidance counsellors are available for pathways discussions and technical assistance.  

Course Selections for the 2025-2026 School Year are to be submitted by Friday, February 28th.  

Academic Support

Peer Tutors are available to support students in grades 7- 11 in a variety of courses.  Tutors meeting with their students once a week at an agreed upon time, usually after school for an hour.  Most peer tutors charge $15 a session.  It is the responsibility of the student/parent to pay the tutor directly, as well as to inform the tutor it he/she cannot make an agreed upon session.

Applications can be accepted for those students in grades 9 - 12 wishing to become Peer Student Tutors. A training session for Peer Tutors will be scheduled at lunchtime in Student Services. Please ensure that you have submitted an application before attending the training session.

There are also many Professional Tutors in our community.  We have a data base in Student Services.  

Pick up an application to be a tutor or to hire a tutor in Student Services.

Grade 7 & 8 Resource

Each year, there is a "Grade 6 into 7 Parent Information Meeting". This year it will be Thursday February 27th beginning at 5:15PM.  Parents of students currently in grade 6 at each of our feeder schools, as well as any families living within the All Saints boundary, are invited to attend.

High School Resource

Resource Delivery

All students require support from teachers, classmates, family, and friends in order to thrive and to gain full benefit from their school experience. Some students have special needs that require supports beyond those ordinarily received in the school setting. In Ontario, students who have behavioural, communicational, intellectual, physical or multiple exceptionalities, may have educational needs that cannot be met through regular instructional and assessment practices. These needs may be met through accommodations, and/or an educational program that is modified above or below the age-appropriate grade level expectations for a particular subject or course. Such students may be formally identified as exceptional pupils. The ministry sets out definitions of exceptionalities that must be used by school boards after determining that a student is an “exceptional pupil”.

Our Vision at All Saints


An Individual Education Plan (IEP) is a written plan describing the special education program and/or services required by a particular student, based on a thorough assessment of the student's strengths and needs that affect the student's ability to learn and demonstrate learning.

IEPs are developed at the beginning of the year and are typically sent home in October.  The IEP is a working document.

Self Advocacy

Self advocacy is the most important skill that a student will develop in high school.  They must learn to politely stand up for themselves and be able to state their needs.  They need to be assertive but not aggressive!

US College and University Information

EducationUSA webinar - Standing out in U.S. Admissions

Thursday, October 24, 2024, 6:30-7:30 ET / 3:30-4:30 PT


Join EducationUSA and three U.S. Admissions panellists from Binghampton University, Rice University, and Washington College to get the inside scoop on preparing for and writing your U.S. Applications! The panellists will cover the following topics: 

1. Holistic admissions - what is the holistic admissions process? What are the facets that admissions officers review?

2. Writing your essay(s) - how a student should approach the personal essay and supplements. Tips on writing, including what to do and what not to do. 

3. Building your extracurricular profile - what is reported on the Activities list and what stands out for admissions officers. Tips for grades 9-11 students on better prioritizing their extracurricular time. 

This session will be recorded and sent to all who have registered. This session is free and open to anyone to attend.

Jenika Heim

Senior adviser, Eastern Canada | EducationUSA
Fulbright Canada
350 Rue Albert St. Suite 2015
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1R 1A4

Pronouns: she/her/hers

+1.613.688.5519    |    |

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For questions or issues, please email us.