Graduation Information

News and information for our graduating students will be posted here throughout the year. Check back frequently for updates!

2024 - 2025 Graduates

Welcome to the page for All Saints graduates. The grade 12 year is a very busy one.  Planning for post-secondary choices or the world of work takes time, research, and a lot of patience!   Remember your Guidance Counsellor is here to help you with any questions.

Guidance Counsellors:  

Students with last name beginning with A-FEd Kirkham
  G-M:  Rachel Chan
                                                                          N-ZDiana Caringi

Students may request an appointment through their account.

Check the Grad calendar and  OCSB email regularly  Students should get into the habit of checking your account daily - it will help them to stay in the know.

Important Dates:

Important Information:

2024-2025 Information will be posted throughout the year.

Graduating Information Session 

University/College Visits -- starting September 9, 2024

Scholarships, Awards and Bursaries Workshop -- October 1 in the LC at lunch

OUAC Application Workshop -- October 15 in the LC at 11:10am Due: Jan. 15, 2025

OCAS Application Workshop  -- October 15 in the LC during P3 Due: Feb. 1, 2025        

Algonquin College Open House and Degree Discovery Event

Open House - Nov. 9, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Join us to learn about our programs, student support services, and student life. See inside our program labs and learning spaces, enjoy program presentations and demonstrations, and more!

Learn More Register Now for Open House  

Degree Discovery Event - Nov. 27, 5 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Attend our NEW event to explore 20+ unique, hands-on degrees that connect you with industry and get you career ready. Hear from the Student/Alumni Panel and apply to degree programs on for FREE at the event.

Get Full Details Register Now for the Degree Discovery Event

School Letter Award

The ASH School Letter is a prestigious award given to students who have accumulated a substantial amount of points over the course of their high school years by being involved in sports teams, clubs, extra-curriculars, etc.  It is a difficult award to achieve but shows the immense contribution a student has made to the life of the school. 

Applying to University

Application to an Ontario university is done through the Ontario University Application Centre (OUAC).  

In order to apply to university in Ontario, most programs require ENG4UR plus five grade 12 U/M courses. Be sure to check the pre-requisites for any program you wish to apply for.  

Deadlines are important - OUAC online applications for equal consideration will be due in January 15, 2025. Graduates no longer require a PIN number which was a requirement in the past.  

Ontario Universities' Events

Ontario's universities are excited to host a collection of in-person and virtual events in fall 2023. We also have a new URL for all events, including the OUF - make sure you bookmark the new URL. Let your students know about the events:

OSAP, or the Ontario Student Assistance Program, is a financial aid program funded by both the provincial and federal governments that helps you with the costs of postsecondary education.

Funding through OSAP includes:

Applying to College

Applying to college is done on-line through the Ontario College Application System (OCAS).  

Grads will need their Ontario Education Number (OEN) - a 9 digit number easily found on your report card or status sheet.  You will also need to have our school's mident number. This is a Ministry of Education number that identifies each school in the province of Ontario. The mident number for All Saints CHS is: 724777  

Applications to OCAS for equal consideration are due February 1, 2025.  

The application fee for programs starting between August 2025 and July 2026 will be adjusted from $125 to $150. The updated fee will take effect when the application opens on September 28. 

The first date that Ontario Colleges can release offers of admission to qualified applicants will be November 1st, 2024.  

The earliest date that applicants may confirm an offer of admission is November 1st, 2024.

May 1st , 2025 is the most common deadline date to confirm an offer of admission. 


College Mondays

Important Dates

Admission Requirements

Application Fees


Program Types

Offers of Admissions

How to apply to OCAS

Highly Competitive Programs

Skilled Trades

Frequently Asked Questions

OCSB Awards/Scholarships

Review deadlines and criteria carefully - some dates can change and will be updated as required.  Most applications require considerable preparation.  You will need to check in at Student Services as to when these awards are available to start applying.  Applications are due Monday March 17th, 2025 by 2:30 p.m.

For all applications, you may be required to include in your portfolio the following:

Good luck applicants!

Support from External Organizations

One way to offset the cost of post-secondary education is through scholarships and bursaries which is money that you can be awarded based on your academic excellence, community involvement and or/financial need. Most of these you will need to do some leg work and prepare an application. 

Deadlines and information on different scholarships and bursaries available will trickle in throughout the year. Get started now to prepare your application. Many require the same type of information and prep work: resumes, personal statements describing your community and extra-curricular involvement, reference letters, proof of community service, etc.  To find out more information about the different scholarships and bursaries available, you can check the links on this website or the bulletin board outside Student Services.

Getting a scholarship is not just about high marks, as many scholarships are awarded for volunteering, community service and through business and sports connections.

Here are some sites you can visit - good luck!

 To all Indigenous students, please check out the Indigenous Bursary Search Tool for information on bursaries and scholarships for Indigenous students in Canada.